Raise funds, have fun and keep the hearts of tamariki healthy!
We’re inviting schools around Aotearoa New Zealand to participate in Jumping June – a one-month skipping event that will help get kids moving and raising funds for an incredible cause! Proceeds raised in Jumping June will support the Heart Foundation in their goal to help everyone in New Zealand keep their hearts fit for life – everything you need will be provided once you sign up. There’s no cost to your school as it is 100% self-funding and completely risk free!
“Jump high and hard with intention and heart.”
Their goal is to help everyone in New Zealand keep their hearts healthy and live full lives. Keeping your heart healthy is all about choices, some big ones and lots of little ones. The Heart Foundation works within our communities to educate people on how they can keep their hearts as healthy as possible and prevent heart disease in the future. We know that the earlier tamariki learn about their heart health and how to live a healthy life the more likely they are to carry healthy habits through their life. Together, we can join the fight against heart disease. Jumping June is an excellent way to get tamariki learning their heart health, forming healthy lifestyle habits, and raising funds for an incredible cause.
The latest Sport New Zealand Active NZ Survey 2019 found that only 7% of children aged 5-17 were meeting the current Ministry of Health guidelines of at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity each day. Regular physical activity helps children to develop strong muscles and improve their balance and flexibility. Learning a new skill like skipping will boost their self-confidence too. Skipping is a great activity because it increases the heart rate and helps with fitness.
Tamariki, whānau and communities all reap the benefits from being physically active and eating heart-healthy food and it’s likely that the habits formed in childhood track into adulthood. Jumping June is all about supporting the students at your school to move more , learn about the importance of heart health, and develop healthy habits for life. All while helping to raise funds while having fun while learning new skills for an incredible cause.
Interested in Jumping June? Get in touch with us today to receive an info kit or an obligation-free chat.
Ready to jump right in? BOOK NOW by using the link below!
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